Scotland Day Six--Around Crieff
I spent the day in Crieff. In the morning I walked to James Square where they held a Christmas Fayre. (Look out for video on this tomorrow). In the afternoon I went walking with some 7th Day Adventist Church folk and their very active dogs. I am off to Pitlochry tonight for dinner and a Christmas concert. In another words, a perfect day.

That 2nd picture is breath taking.
I love that you are in a time zone near me by the way, it is nice with day time posts :)
Alex, I agree. And as Peterson put it, our countries are both in Europe and start with an S .. could we be any closer to him??
thanks alex and anna. The part of the photo that really makes it for me is the part with the three ladies from the church in a little bunch laughter and enjoying each others' company. Really completes the picture for me.
We are so very very close. I might as well go to Sweden next except the two of you are miles and miles away from each other. Shall we just meet up in the middle?
I'm so glad you're having such a good time over in Europe. But you're so close yet so far away from those of us in the States.
Wait, who am I kidding?! You're just FAR.
Just joking...I'm really happy for you, Peterson. Keep up the great blogging. :D
Awaiting your return,
elliot, we all need to move to the same island together somewhere.
glad you are liking the blogging. I really have been on holiday all week, so thanks for letting me get away with all the photos and so little words. I really needed the break.
Oh yeah, let´s meet in the middle. I would go anywhere for you, Sweet P :)
Looks like you are being blessed with beautiful weather. And here I thought Scotland was so dreary.
The three ladies truly is the thing that makes that picture so special. A barren wasteland in shadows with cold water and everything living is resting. But there they are, three friends that are there together and I get warm and fuzzy again. :)
Meet up in the middle? Well, we would go anywhere for you and the middle is nice but just give in and move here instead. You know you want to! My kids who tries to learn how to read use to say "p som i pappa" (p as in dad) but has started to say "p som i Peterson" instead when they are spelling. Guess that we speak about you, well, a lot...
If you need a break feel free to take it for as long as you want. Even without pictures we know hoe to adore you.
KJ, they want us to think it is crap weather so that we will stay away!
Okay, today (Sunday) IS crap weather, but I am in a nice warm conservatory and can enjoy the moody clouds and steady rain without having to get wet or cold.
Reminds me of the old SNL skit. "If it's not Scottish, it's crap!"
Lovely photos as always!
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